9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – More Tales of the Road – Entering Utah

Snowville is the first town I came to in Utah. Named not for legendary snow falls but after an early pioneer, Mr. Snow. There’s also a town named after Mr. Dewey called, not surprisingly, Deweyville. Arriving in Tremonton, I checked into a Motel 6 owned by Kumar from Mumbai, India. I always love to talk with people from India, and I love to ask which city they’re from because India is such a fascinating country. It’s really like 50 countries, as different as the countries in Europe, different languages, different cultures, different histories, only known at this moment in time as India, thanks to the British. At least one thing the country shares in common: they all speak English and speak it well. They say things like, “It was I …” instead of the incorrect “It was me.” I told Kumar I had been in Mumbai in the 1990s right after the big rain that dumped over four feet of water in just 24 hours two days in a row. Imagine you’re walking down the street one day, and the next day the water is up over your waist and the day after it’s two feet over your head.

“That place was a mess,” I recalled.

Kumar didn’t want to talk about it. It’s probably why he left. Plus, when I went to check my facts I saw Mumbai and India in recent years have had a great many other record weather events, heat, rain, drought, any of which would make one a climate refugee if one had the means to escape, which obviously Kumar a Motel 6 franchisee had.

After a shower followed by a hot soak in the tub, I walked to a grocery store near my hotel. After an ordeal of a day pumping a flat tire every few miles on the freeway, I felt a reward of a good IPA was in order. The store had one IPA, a brand cleverly called hIPAcrite. Was its named just to be fashionably rebellious or was it a disclosure that this really is not an IPA? I went to the check out where two young men in their twenties or early thirties awaited. I asked them about the “IPA.”

“Is this beer any good?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.”

I turned to the other young man.

“Me neither. I’ve never had a beer in my whole life.”

Welcome to Utah, I thought. A place where some men of beer drinking age don’t drink beer. Maybe it was the Mormon influence. These guys were good clean looking young men. They tried to be helpful, asking the next customer in line if he knew about that particular beer. An older guy with a full beard and a belly looking more the part of a beer drinker didn’t know either. I’d have to take my chances.

I’ve always wondered why Mormons are so nice. Are they nice because they genuinely love people or are they nice because they get a big reward in heaven for being nice or are they nice because that’s just what Mormons do: they’re taught to be nice and so they better be nice. I decided to give it the acid test. The apostles observed “Jesus felt compassion” on those he healed, fed, and taught. His love was based on genuine compassion for virtually everyone: lepers, prostitutes, tax gatherers, crazies, even Judas his betrayer. If the highest bar of humanity is to be like Jesus, where do Mormons stand? I decided it’s best for me not to even try to judge one way or the other, even for my own academic curiosity.  

After a full days rest in Tremonton, riding again I was swept into Brigham City with the highest winds yet. The American flag was frayed and garbage cans both full and empty were blown over. I had to slow Sunride to 5 mph to negotiate the high crosswinds. The forceful wind pushed against me and the bike below me. I had to lean into the wind to compensate. This gave the wind more exposure to my solar panel. It felt like a giant hand pushing down on me from the top of Sunride through the bottom of the tires. Riding a bike is all about balance. I was able to manage but it wasn’t fun.

I hid out at a breakfast place watching the flag to see if the wind would relent. It did not. My server told me it was particularly bad in this specific location.

“There’s a notch in the mountains to the east making a natural wind tunnel,” she informed me.

I was heading due south. I fought hard for about a mile and then the worst was over. It would be smooth sailing on into Salt Lake.

This was my first day on the road – in Rowena, Oregon overlooking the Columbia River.
9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – More Tales of the Road – Entering Utah

13 thoughts on “9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – More Tales of the Road – Entering Utah

  • October 4, 2019 at 5:18 am

    Testing, testing, testing……
    Hi Suzanne!

    • October 4, 2019 at 1:12 pm

      Dave, thank you for letting me know that you have written several comments but they are not showing up on the blog – I wonder if a lot of other people have had the same problem. I think Suzanne has the problem fixed now, so please continue to comment.

  • October 5, 2019 at 1:53 am

    Hi John, while it is disappointing to learn for a fact that none of my comments were getting through to you, I’m very pleased that Suzanne has ferreted out the bug or bugs that were standing in the way. Yes, I have followed your posts with great interest, and have offered comment and encouragement in response to nearly every one of them. So, I would guess that other kindred souls traveling with you vicariously were also offering comments that didn’t reach you. Here’s hoping that I and others will be able to offer encouragement on future legs of your adventure.

  • October 19, 2019 at 2:25 pm

    Dave, thanks again for all your support.

  • October 19, 2019 at 5:15 pm

    Hi John, glad Suzanne got this link set up! I find your trip fascinating, and will be looking forward to being a vicarious travel mate with you. 😊 Are you on the road again now? ~ Dave

  • November 8, 2019 at 3:15 am

    Dave, I’ve finally figured out how this all works, thanks too Suzanne. When I resume the sunride I will be a much better responder.

  • November 8, 2019 at 7:33 am

    When will you resume, and where is leg 2 going to happen?

  • December 12, 2019 at 9:44 pm

    I’ve lost track of you, John. Are you and Sunride on the road again?? Dave

    • March 14, 2020 at 3:08 am

      I’m back on the road, Dave. Just traveled to California. See my newest blog entries.

  • March 26, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    Sorry I’m so far behind the 8 ball, John. Just now reading through your posts. Looking forward to reading them chronologically and getting up to date with your adventures.
    Glad you’re home to deal with the virus.

    Peace & blessings,

    • March 30, 2020 at 5:27 pm

      Thanks Dave, trust you’re doing the same.

  • March 26, 2020 at 6:07 pm

    Next read for me: Lake Tahoe! 😀


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